I feel like we have made a great impact in the village and I have seen how our people have been forever changed. When you "go into all the world" not only are your eyes are opened but your heart as well. I took a final picture with the chiefs but as I reflect on our time I realize that there is so much work left to do. From half a world away, I will need to be praying for them everyday and equipping those left behind to continue in the work we've started.

I'm wondering what is next. Do we bring back 100? Come back every month with smaller groups? Start a school? Send people to come for a month at a time? To be honest, I have no idea, and I'm totally ok with that because when its time to know, we'll know. The main question I've been asked on this trip is, "what are we doing later today?" my answer is always the same..."beats me" because I've learned that God sometimes has things on the agenda that i didn't know about. I was reading today in James about how our lives are but a mist and that we need to not worry about our lives because God should control our moments. There is a saying here in Malawi, "you azungu's wear all the watches but us Malawians actually have all the time". I have learned that that "our" time isn't actually "ours" but God's and we need to make sure we use it well...for Him. We came here with a certain list of agenda's but will be leaving with so much more accomplished than we ever could have imagined.

See you on your side of the world in a couple of days!
Speak love, Act love, Live Love.
Change the World!
- Posted from the other side of the world
1 comment:
Amazing people...pockets of darkness... all over the world. So very true. Paul, I pray that God continues to speak to you and your team. As you go home and share so many thoughts and emotions with those you love, may His Spirit wash over you with a deep sense of peace and rest. I am confident that as you lean on Him, He will show you what's next.
Praying that the love you guys shared is a constant witnes in that community - long after you're home - to the love of Christ that is undeniable.
Get excited to be loved on like crazy by your family.
In His love, Coleen
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